4 min readDec 19, 2021


Heat up the drive to go downtown in a smooth way.

It doesn’t matter how you call it-licking, eating the box, cunnilingus, or whatever. As long as you know what you are doing, it becomes the most amazing thing for both. So scroll down a bit to get the most basic knowledge and tips for cunnilingus.

Everyone’s is different

Before we go down to the most frequent questions first things first, you should know what you are dealing with.

Seeing someone’s labia for the first time is like a black box. You don't know what to expect and what to get. One should never forget that everyone is different in terms of shape, size, smell, and so on. Even the taste of someone’s vagina changes day by day. It all depends on the lifestyle of the person; eating habits, alcohol consumption, hydration, and many other things…

Now let’s get to the main topic and answer the main question of how to find and where is this clitoris?

Physical Navigation: Go Up! Use your fingers to see

According to Sarah Sloane “Trace the seam of the lips toward your partner’s belly button to find the clit,” So basically the sweet spot sits at the top of where the two inner labia join. You can use your fingers to get visual to make it more visible, however; it is not that simple, the clitoris that you see in general is just the small part of it. Physically it extends all the way back into the body.

Now we know the basic physical facts and it's time to perform!

  1. Tease and foreplay to make your partner more excited.

Before performing the act, make your partner be excited and be curious about what will you do next. So playing around, kisses starting from the top and slowly going down and on legs make them want more and more.

2. You should show your partner that you love to perform it. (She should feel relaxed)

It is good to make your partner relaxed. Show that you are also enjoying it. Get directions by asking questions like;

  • Can I keep going like this?
  • Does it feel good?

Those questions show that you want to perform well for her.

3. Watch your partner and try different things.

The best direction for you is to watch your partner. How she moves, how she breathes. The movement of the body is the best navigator for you even if we didn't talk our body never lies.

  • Signs to follow: Moving away or towards you and heavy breathing are the signs that you should be aware of. If your partner pushes herself more to you, you should understand that she needs more pressure or trying to direct you the right way. On contrary, if she attempts to close her legs and push herself away might mean that the pressure is too intense or she is on the edge. You should now ask questions to better understand. “Does it feel good?”
  • Try different positions: When I said everybody is different, it is the fact that you should bear in mind. The place and the point to reach the clitoris are totally changing from person to person. Trying different positions also will help you to reach G-spot easily and also for your partner to orgasm. So don't hesitate and be crazy in bed, don't be afraid of trying different positions or angles.

4. It's not like in porn just tongue is not enough

One of the most common mistakes is that people, in general, take action based on what they saw in porn. However one should understand that it is just a camera act so in order to catch the scene they just move away from their head and show how they lick or use their hands. The truth is that in real life you should use your whole mouth not just the tip of your tongue.

5. Use your hands as well

Clitoris and the G-spot work hand in hand in women's body so even the main action goes on with your mouth 2-way penetration is also important to reach the orgasm. Other than just playing around the clitoris using your fingers is also penetrates the G-spot along with the clitoris.

Those are the basic tips for all. The fact is that on average it takes 20 minutes for women to reach orgasm so it is not an easy job to perform, however; if you follow those basic tips it will ease your

P.S: If you want to have some tips and tricks for “blow job” as well, you can take a look at my previous writing, “It Is Not a Job If You Enjoy It: 10 Tips on Giving Awesome Blowjobs”




Traveler, bad in relationships but lots of good and bad experiences sexually. So you will now learn what to and not to do from my experiences.